Creating Art for Living
Recently I was working on designing an ad for Madera when the phrase "Creating Art for Living" popped into my head. I immediately loved the phrase because I thought it perfectly states what we do at Madera - we make beautiful things for the spaces that our customers live and work in. I did a quick internet search to see if anyone else was using it, and not finding anything, thought of turning it into a new slogan for Madera.
Then I began to question if this is really all we do. Because there are many projects moving through our shop that are clearly not artistic but straight forward and functional, "Creating Art for Living" doesn't necessarily reflect that other side of Madera's capabilities. And herein lies the challenge of coming up with a slogan for a business with such a broad scope. How can one phrase sum up everything that Madera does? Earlier this year we made a set of very simple low bookcases out of MDF for a local architectural firm. There was nothing at all artistic about them. They were, however, another nice project for a great client. And for another established client, we recently finished making a stair tread for her entry way. Again, not artsy at all - purely functional. Reflecting on these two examples though, I realized that our approach to both projects wasn't as if they were mundane and unimportant. They were completed with the same detailed attention that any other project had been.
Each job taken on at Madera is thoughtfully and precisely executed - regardless of how exciting or mundane it is. We are makers first. And we take incredible pride in designing and crafting beautiful and functional things for our customers. Perhaps there is an art to this simple satisfaction. Or maybe by approaching each project with the intention to make it as best we can, we elevate them in some artistic way. Either way we'll be using the slogan, "Creating Art for Living" in a few specially placed ads. I would love to know your thoughts. Creatively yours, Carlos
Published on May 31, 2016.